Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thing 4

I have long awaited the real instruction on how to use RSS. I am an avid reader of the Internet and have used several web-based bookmarking tools to save and access websites and this is the perfect fit for the next step. I am looking forward to using RSS feeds to stay current and to receive timely information. I am only concerned that my district my have network blocks that will prevent this from being smooth. I also use two emails since many times I cannot access my network or things are blocked/hung up in our spam filter. I am also concerned how that will work. For the time being, I am trying to think of how I want to set up my folders, i.e. by content area, by teacher, or by project. What ever way it is, life will be smoother and faster than having to do the searching for information. This is one tool that I feel is finally taking me forward in my learning.

1 comment:

  1. And you will adjust things as you go. So don't worry too much about getting it perfect the first time around.
