Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thing 6

Although, I have used Flikr before, I never really "used" it. The picture I downloaded is of a flower that I have in a flower bed I inherited. No one, including my two best friends who KNOW flower, had any idea what it was. When it first started to bloom the flowering portion actually looked like feathers and then one day all the little hair like buds bloomed and it is a bright red. The hummingbirds are all over this plant and they drive my cats nuts because it's right outside the window. I love the color, the different flower, and the way Mother Nature's other creatures use this beautiful plant.

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Terry,
    The picture that you downloaded is beautiful. We have the same flower at our house. My bride, who is horticulturally trained, says that it is called a Crocosmia. Because of the climate in which we live they sometimes do not last the winter here Michigan. If they are well sheltered, as are his is close to our house, they may have some success growing them. I hope this helps.
